Bordello Shoes

Last week i ordered some shoes i fell in love with from they came today even the box they came in was amazing its not typical cardboard so you can use it for storage! lol

I'm not a big shoe person but i really loved these i checked out some other shoes from the brand and here are a few i liked lovee the boots to bad these are all super tall being 5'9 means wearing 5 1/2 inch heels not so fun lol


  1. Pretty pretty shoes ! Love the ones you picked out the best :)

  2. Wow, I bought some shoes from ModCloth too and mine didn't come in such a nice box, lol!! I definitely like the ones you picked the best too... without the platform, I think they are more versatile than the others, and I love the red ribbon!

  3. Those shoes are so cute!! They are sold out right now but at that price I'm ordering a pair when they get more stock. Thanks for sharing!

  4. My friend was saying she was addicted to this site on Facebook. Thanks for posting some pics. I might be addicted next and I'm not suppose to wear heels, lol! Cute shoes :)


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