Eshakti dress review

I recently had the chance to review a dress from . I have read some blogger reviews prior and couldn't pass up the chance to try one of their dresses. I got to pick from a huge selection and i went with something i could wear for upcoming holiday parties.

I didn't get a chance to snap a picture in it but i will update with one soon , i was so busy with the dinner party i was hosting .
First thing thats so great about eshakti is that you can customize everything , from size to height to adding sleeves or dress length . So if your tall like me you don't have to worry about it being to short on your legs or if your on the shorter side it won't be to long.
It shipped from india but it was so fast only a few days i was so shocked when it arrived so quickly.
The fabric is high quality light weight and flowy i was very comfortable wearing it all day. If your going out you could pair with some opaque tights for winter.
With the holidays coming up i thought i would share some picks for holiday party dress ideas!

You can find all these fun holiday looks at you can also follow them for updates on facebook and for all my pinner friends pinterest !


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