yes another glossy box review

I'm sure you have read plenty of Glossy Box reviews but I'm going to share mine just in case you haven't lol. I had wanted to order this box for awhile it seemed to have more high end brands that i really like hence the $10 more than birch box price .When i heard there was going to be a beauty blender for January i decided to go for it . I got my box at the end of the month here it is.

The box itself besides being pink is really nice and sturdy I'm a sucker for a nice box , you should see my laduree box collection haha. Here's a list of whats inside ..

Beauty blender : also comes with the cleaner which is nice , always remember to clean your brushes and applicators . I haven't used it yet but I'm excited to I'm going to do a post on beauty blender vs foundation brush next week .

Balance me super toning body wash : I had no idea they made body toning washes i knew they made face toner . I'll probably save this for trips since its travel size .

Bella pierre cosmetic mineral blush : The one actual makeup product i got is just way to harsh and dark of a color for my very fair skin it looks maroon .

Toni &Guy hair meet wardrobe : This is a seal salt texturizing hair spray . I actually tried this it remind s me of the bumble and bumble beach waves spray and its cheaper . I'm not the beach waves type chick but it might be fun to use during summer or when my hair is brown again.

VICHY aqualia thermal rich cream : I was really excited for this my skin is sensitive and dry this winter. After reading the reviews online i decided to hold off on trying this because even though it seems like its water based there' s a lot of chemicals in there and I don't want to aggravate my already sensitive skin .

Overall review , I was glad i ordered this because I did get my beauty blender I so wanted . The rest of the box was kind of a bust . I would have liked more actual makeup and I have read before some other people were unhappy about this . I think for being more then a lot of the other beauty boxes they should tailor it more to what you like . I did like that when i went to cancel it , I could do that online . A lot of other places make you call then they proceed to try and talk you out of it .
I might have stayed signed up if they had the skip a month feature so when you have the extra money you could get it ,if not skip a month . Also they don't charge you on a set day so if you wanted to cancel and forget you might already be billed . I might try this box again if they make any updates and changes to their service .


  1. I am still not decided on these boxes yet. Some folks really like them and others say they are not worth the money. This looks like a nice one, I agree about being able to skip a month if you wish, would be a great option. Nice review!!


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