Starting a new stationery line!

Hey guy's I know I haven't posted in awhile but I wanted to share some fun news with your. I am starting a side project doing stationery designs. The first designs are going to be the trial run, so I don't have a name yet. These are letter sets , I have started with 4 designs below. Each set contains 12 5x7 sheets of paper printed on thick card stock 6 colored envelopes to match the design and 6 envelope seals. I am having them professionally printed so they should be shipping out in 1 1/2- 2 weeks.
Each set is $10 plus $5.50 for u.s shipping this includes a tracking number . If your international let me know and I can get a price for shipping. If you buy 3 sets you get one free.
Since I don't have a name yet I don't have a website up yet so I will be taking payments through paypal. You can check out my etsy shop(on the side) for seller feedback in case you feel uneasy about not ordering off a website. To order you can either leave me a comment with your paypal email and design choices or if your more comfortable you can email me instead at

The designs are below 


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