Halloween stationery box has arrived!

Since I started Fancy Paperie , I've been toying with the thought of doing a subscription stationery box. There are a few good ones on the market right now but there is always room for another. I decided instead of jumping right in I decided to do Holiday boxes and since my favorite holiday is coming up Halloween I was all to excited to start on this one. I didn't want to make it all about my items and asked to fellow talented stationery designers to contribute to the first box. I am so excited to share with you the Halloween box.

 My inspiration for the Halloween was to go in a vintage direction with an antique meets modern collection of paper.

Now whats inside the box! I've seen some great stationery boxes and some ones that are just filled with $1 bin items. I wanted to make sure these were filled with high quality beautiful stationery and still an affordable price.
For $25 plus a flat rate shipping your parcel of 6 full sized Halloween goodies comes with a letter set, cards,notepad,postcards and a surprise item. Also the first 3 orders get an extra item so that makes 7 items. These are limited numbers as of now there are 9 boxes left once they are gone , there are no more so pick one up  here today!

I'm a long time snail mail lover so I made sure every item in this box can be used for Halloween inspired mail!


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