Zzz Quil box review

So just after I got to try my last box from influenster I got an email saying I was in for the Zzz Quil box next .

I've always had a hard time sleeping probably for more than 10 years now. The reasons range from insomnia ,stress , and anxiety . I've used many over the counter and prescription things as well as natural so I was excited to try this one out. 

ZzzQuill is  marketed just for sleep not for colds or pain .
I got a mini sample pack and a coupon for $2 off a full size box as well.
The night I decided to try it out I made sure to take it about 45 min before I wanted to go to sleep just to be sure it had time to kick in. I took it and headed to bed for what I hoped to be a great nights sleep . Two and a half hours later I was still awake , not even about to fall asleep . I finally was able to fall asleep three hours after taking it . I didn't feel groggy or anything in the morning so I consider that a plus. 

Overall It just didn't work for me . If you haven't tried many things this might work for you but it just wasn't strong enough for me.

I was sent this item for free to try , all my opinions stated are my own.


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