DIY Modge Podge Makeup Case

Hello kittens! I often do alot of diy projects when i have the extra time but this is the first time I'm doing a diy tutorial of sorts so bear with me if its not the greatest lol.
Lets start with supplies
modge podge (the kind for paper)
sponge brush
an old comic book or any type of thin paper you would like to use
craft storage box or something similar this one is from the container store
ribbon to match if you want you don't have to add ribbon
glue gun
some sort of sealant if you want this to stay for awhile i haven't sealed mine yet lol
Start by cutting up strips of the paper they can be various sizes you can cut to fit as you go along.
Take your brush and modge podge in small areas the stick paper on and repeat till you have it all covered. Overlapping is fine since it gives it a collage look.
Then your going to modge podge lots and lots of layers ontop being sure to let dry each time.
This may take a day or to to complete. Then you can seal if with whatever brand you prefer to keep your makeup case safe. Take your ribbons and make a pretty bow and use your glue gun to attach ontop. Let dry and your all set to go.
As i said I'm new at this tutorial thing so i know this is not the greatest . If you have any tips for me on how to write this out better for next time feel free to comment. Also any questions you have leave in the comments and I'll get back to you right away.


  1. This looks amazing! I would love to own one of these beautys,I dont mine will look as good as this though but ill give it a try lol.Fabulous blog! xx


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