Attention philly,ny,nj bloggers

I thought it would be a really fun idea to invite my fellow followers and bloggers out with me and a few of my friends for my birthday weekend in Philadelphia .
I currently reside in NJ so anyone in the areas of NJ or NY and philly or anyone who wants to travel is invited .
Saturday night I'm going to be renting a suit we are all going to dinner then coming back for my mini party. I'll be making a pretty cupcake tower myself and I'm recruiting 2 very talented cookie makers to do custom cookies for my party.
Amber from sweet ambs
and Maryann cookieartisan on flickr .
Then Sunday i wanna head over to the zoo and check out some cupcake shops and explore around so if anybody has some good suggestions as well please let me know id love to check out some cute places.
I picked my theme for my party as well because I'm a total theme whore i cant help it . Owls and Laduree.
I know they don't really go together but i found a way to make it work.
I'm using mint green gold and lavender as my colors .
So id love anybody who wants to ,to join me plus id really like to meet some fellow bloggers so leave me a comment with your email and ill send you more info and feel free to re post this to anyone else you know who would wanna come


  1. Thanks so much for the mention! You chose a really great theme for your party. I'm super excited to make the cookies!

  2. Hope you have a wonderful birthday ;)

  3. Super cool - hope you have a great birthday!!

  4. How have I just NOW found your blog?! I worship at the Laduree alter and love owls and mid 90s music/movies too! I hope u had a magical b-day! Are there pics of it somewhere?!


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