Holiday Gift Baket Raffle for a Good Cause

Cookie photo by Christian p Photography

I'm very excited to bring you my Holiday Gift Basket Raffle!
I have 5 gift baskets fulled with goodies totaling over $100 from assorted etsy shops and also some special treats from my own shop as well.
I'm still adding a few shops so i won't be saying the exact items in the basket but i can assure you we have some excellent items .
All the proceeds of the raffle will be going towards packages for some special families i have found on
I've wanted to do something like this for along time so I'm very excited to be doing this.
Raffle tickets $2 each 3 for $5 and 5 for $8 you can purchase as many as you like.
The drawing will be December 21st so December 20th is the last day to enter.

Okay so UPDATE! paypal donate button is screwing up so just send the payment to through paypal to make it easier for everyone sorry about that

Thank you in Advance for everybody that buys tickets
I wish everybody a Happy Holidays!
- The Fancy Lady Gourmet


  1. When I clicked on the donate button, the screen came up with an automatic amount of $25 and said Team in Training. Is there a way to change it once inside PayPal?

    4mypersonalreview (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. i will get some tickets tonight and blog about:)

  3. Great raffle! I just send you payment via Paypal for some raffle tickets!



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