Feature Friday: Oh LuLu Lingerie

I'm really excited to write about this weeks feature shop Oh Lulu , I am absolutely in love with Sarah's shop! I am a lingerie fantastic and her shop has some of the most beautiful items I've ever seen and she was sweet enough to send me a pair of her ruffle bloomers. The picture below are the ones she sent aren't they fabulous?

These are so beautifully made and even more fantastic in person . Her shop features more of these beautiful bloomers ,bras,rompers,and garters perfect for wedding lingerie everything is so classy and elegant.I will definitely be buying from her shop on a regular basis. I did an interview with Sarah so here it is...

1. Tell us about yourself?

My name is Sarah, but my family often calls me Lulu (Sarah Lou, Lulu, Lou, or any variation thereof). I studied Fashion Design at George Brown in Toronto and have always been making my own clothes. What a lot of people don't know about me is that I am a huge geek! I play video games (when I get a chance), love documentaries, studied Latin, and spend a lot of my down time reading.

2. How did you get started making making your amazing panties and bras?

I am a very petite, very curvy girl and it has been impossible to find clothing that fit, let alone a proper bra. The first bra I ever tried to make was made entirely out of an old bra that I had ripped apart, and some cherry-printed cotton. It was a disaster, but I persevered and tried again... and again... and again! And finally I came up with a few things that worked.

3. What inspires your collection?

I am obsessed with history. Before studying fashion, I was working on a History Major. I spend a lot of my time watching documentaries or reading about history. I love the clothing and what it says about the specific period.

My biggest inspiration is how a woman feels when she wears my designs; romantic, feminine, dreamy, beautiful... I feel like a lot of the lingerie on the market is kind of trashy to be blunt. It doesn't accentuate real women's curves, it isn't romantic, it isn't feminine. I hope that my collection makes a woman feel beautiful in her own skin the way she is.

4. How would you describe your personal style?

Eclectic... bohemian... casual. I am currently obsessed with long skirts and maxi dresses, but can also be a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl.

5. What would you like to do in the future with your shop?

I'd love to delve into some more swimwear and accessories. I've got some racier ideas in my mind that may or may not come to fruition and may or may not include blindfolds.

6. If you had to have dinner with 3 people alive or dead who would it be and why?

Vivienne Westwood. She is my all time, hands down favourite designer. I love her eclectic personal style. I love that she is a strong woman in a tough industry. She is gorgeous, and talented, and completely herself, and I admire that.
Queen Victoria, which is appropriate as I am writing this on Victoria Day here in Canada. The Victorian period is one of the most fascinating times, there were so many changes, socially and industrially. She was strong, and more importantly, she loved pugs. She sometimes reminds me of me.
Marie Antoinette. My French is very rusty, but I would love to meet her. She may have been utterly deluded as to the goings on in France, but she is still my style icon, she was completely over-the-top.

I hope you all will go check out Sarah's shop and i wanna thank her again for taking part in my feature Friday.

If you would like to be featured on Feature Friday contact me through the link on the top of my page and be sure to include your shop link or blog link.


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