The perfect creepy old house

Ever since i was a little girl watching old munsters and addams family episodes on TV i have always wanted to live in one of those big old creepy houses. Yes i know I'm weird lol, I love the idea of a house with history as well . My dream is to find the perfect big old creepy house to live in one day when I'm married. Then fix up the place so its really pretty yet still maintains that creepy vibe. Ill do all the diy decor projects and Matt can do all the manly renovations (its nice to have a man who can do manly things lol).

Here is a collection of amazing creepy houses I've collected from the net since its been awhile Ive been saving them I don't have the links to link them back so if you see any familiar ones let me know and ill link them up


  1. I'd love to live in a house like those.

  2. I'm totally with you! I'm not a creep, but I love creepy things lol...if that makes sense! Plus like you said, the history!

  3. wow....they are beautifully people don't make houses like that anymore what a shame.

  4. Those are just awesome. Can you imagine if someone moved in and renovated them to their original glory??

  5. I'm 15 and I also want the classic, creepy mansion/ manor thing when i grow up. I live in Scotland and it would help if the house was in Scotland too but I think houses like those ones are only American. :(
    Anyway, great houses x

  6. The first two <3. Love those original second empire Victorians. Absolutely stunning.


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