Fine China yay or nay and tips on buying

This post be kinda random but after helping my mom clean out my grandmas place and inheriting a 12 piece china set i thought i would do a post on china and plates and such. I don't mind paper plates for everyday use but I will never allow paper plates to be used for any party or holiday that I'm throwing lol. If you read my blog you already know I'm a fan of cake stands, what you may not know is i also love plates and tea cups. I have a collection of miss matched tea cups and plates and I love them.
This is my favorite china set by Martha Stewart which when i get engaged will go directly on my
registry lol

I do have some tips before you take the leap and invest in a set.

1. Buy extra!! I stress this alot, someone will break something and if they stop making the set you have it will be hell to replace it

2. This is for anyone on a budget buy a set that is neutral especially if you like to throw parties. This way you can use the same set for every occasion all you have to do is change up the napkins and decor.

3. Take care of your china make sure you read the back of the plate or box when you get it. Meaning don't just throw it in the dishwasher or microwave or you may need to bring out those extras you bought.

4. If your buying the set of china yourself and your on a budget check locally for outlet stores. There is a mikasa and lenox outlet and hour from me. They have great deals and you come home with a beautiful set for less.

So what is your opinion do you like china? prefer paper plates any tips or questions leave them in the comments.


  1. That set is really pretty - a lovely shade of blue-green! I don't know if I'll ever buy a fancy set of china, I almost never entertain or cook! All our dishes are mis-matched and random too!


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