Saying Goodbye to the original Fancy Lady

Above is my grandma the original Fancy Lady, Which inspired the name for my business which is kinda funny because she was the only old Italian lady who didn't cook or bake.
She passed away this morning she was 97 . I won't lie I actually wasn't very close to her but i do admire her in the fact that she was always fancy and dressed up and she never let that go till toward the end. Well into her 90s she always had on a nice outfit all her jewelry , and her hair done. She was a true Fancy lady. She traveled the world and married and amazing man who loved and adored her and kids who took care of her till her last day on earth. I'm not really a religious person but I'd like to think shes in a better place now and she is free of pain and with my grandpa . I just wanted to say goodbye to the original Fancy Lady.


  1. I am sorry to hear about your grandma,what a long life she lived.And wow she looks beautiful in her dress xx

  2. Awww What a sweet tribute. Sending love to you and your family!
    xo Jenny

  3. I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. Your family is in my prayers.


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