Pies Pies Pies

Hey everyone so it's been awhile since i have posted anything so first I want to address that. If you have been watching the news last month you saw all the stuff on about hurricane Sandy . Well we lost our power for 11 days and had no cell service for about 5 of those. My uncle who lives here at my moms house also was one of the victims of the storm and it was a hard time trying to plan a funeral arrangements without power or phones. It took awhile for us all to get back into out regular routines and between that and getting out of a 4 year relationship I haven't been in the mood for any blogging. 

I really want to start again and will try and post as much as i can this month but It's going to be a super busy time for me lots of baking for parties and gifts and some orders. So on a lighter note lets move onto pies!

The first pie of the fall season i made was this apple pie , i made from the apples we got when we went apple picking . I also made another pie with cookie crumb made from my shortbread cookies but I ended up making the pie during the storm at my moms friends house and never got a picture of it but I will have to share the recipe soon since it came out so yummy!

For Thanksgiving I made a pecan pie because its my favorite of all pies.
I call this the 5lb pecan pie i used about 3 bags of pecans in it. I have a really big pet peeve about most pecan pies and that is they only have a layer of pecans on the top. Meaning your eating a fork full of sugar glaze syrup with a pecan or two thrown in. This pie is full of calories so i recommend making it about once a year but it was amazing. I also topped it with caramel .

Here's a look inside the pie at all the pecans lol 

I hope everyone is doing well and having a great start to the holiday season.
Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know what kind of pies you have made or are planning to make for the holiday season?


  1. We have SO much catching up to do! I hope my letter reached you safely.

    Strangely enough, I don't eat much pie! I've always wanted to eat a strawberry pie, because they're y favorite. Pecan pie is a staple here in GA and it's just like you say -- a layer of goo and pecans on top. (Believe it or not I've only had it once in my life!!) Yours looks MUCH better.


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