Delving into cookie painting

This blog hasn't seem much baking related action lately so I thought I would share with you something I have been working on the past year. Edible painting ,in particular cookie painting  .
The first try was quite awhile ago after seeing it online I did pretty well but kinda forgot the whole thing until last year when i was seeing more and more painted cakes and cookies so I thought I would pick up the brush again .

flower painted cookies

This was my first go at cooking painting above.

I get asked a lot how I went from fashion design to being a baker , well its a long story in general but isn't as much of a stretch as you would think. I studied art for as long as I can remember and to this day its still in my heart. If you really think about it the decorated pastry work I do is just another form of art, sugar art. I take a lot i learned about color and technique with art and apply it to an edible format. Now I will be the first person to say no matter how many years of practice I've had I'm not even close to an amazing artist and don't ask me to paint a lifelike human face lol but the more i have worked on it this year the better I have become .
These are some of my favorites from this past year .

painted corpse bride cookie hand painted retro Christmas cookies tea and scottie cookies

Have you tried anything new this year or would like to start this new year you would like to share?


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