Cupcake Clutch

So I'm a really big crafter but Ive never been to good at sewing so the other day when i was watching Martha and i heard a no sew tote bag i paid attention.
The author of the book simply sublime bags wrote a whole book on no sew and low sew bag projects. I was going to make the large tote bag with my mom but forgot the handles so i decided to make this smaller tote with some cupcake fabric i got at the Joanne fabrics.
I was super proud I'm thinking about adding some to the shop so i want your opinion .
Would you buy something like this?? ,i won't start selling them till i master it but ill probably start with a giveaway of one of them.


  1. soo cute! I probably would buy it since i could make it myself...but i would def use it or make them!

  2. cute fabric and a great idea! my only concern with a no-sew bag would be durability. If you showed the inside of the bag (so that the buyer could see how it is held together), and what it looks like stuffed with items, i think that would help. it is a very cute purse, and i think you could definitely sell it :)

  3. the lady who wrote the book claims they are super sturdy she had a laptop in the larger one she had made i thought the same thing so well see im going to test it out

  4. Fuck yes, I would! Esp if it had cupcakes on it!!
    and--I just love Martha! She's so perfect and judgmental! :) I got her cupcake book from my boyfriend for my b-day AND a hand knitted purse!! U should learn! The woman who did mine has like 10 other orders from my bf's co-workers already!!! :)

  5. Love this! Saw the same feature on Martha and was looking forward to trying it out- happy it was a success!


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