Vanille Patisserie Macarons!

Yesterdat was one of those exciting mail days i got a box of Macarons from Vanille Patisserie in Chicago . I got them in a swap trade on swap-bot i was so excited to open them up and try some.

There was a whole bunch of flavors and i didn't know which was which so i had to break them open to figure it out. These macarons were defintaly made the right way ive had some really bad ones before the texture and size was just right. The only thing is I'm the worlds pickiest eater so i didn't really like any of the flavors but they are really good .

If your in the area i would advise to stop in and pick up some treats they also sell chocolates and assorted tarts and cakes and you can order online to.

I'm also in the works of finding a shop to do a macaron giveaway for all of you guys here on my blog so stay tuned for that!


  1. They look delicious - enjoy :)

  2. Macaroons are the holy grails of baking. I want to make some SO bad, but our oven is really old(getting a new one soon). I think they're just too temperamental for a crappy oven.

    WHY don't they have Macaroons where I live?! New York has like a MILLION little places that sell them!! THey should send one of those here. It's just a tragic situation. :)


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