Feature Friday Velvet Cream Bakery

I also got to interview her and here are her questions
1.Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am the mother of a handsome 3 year-old boy, an avid movie collector, but I just can't seem to get out of the kitchen. I began Velvet Cream Bakery as an outlet for my creativity and a passion to create something sweet that would ensure a smile of satisfaction from everyone.
2.When did you start baking?
The first thing I remember baking was actually strawberry pie with my mom when I was six. After that the only things I had the heart to bake were desserts - everything from cookies to brownies and of course cake!
3. Tell us something about yourself that most people don't know?
I'm only 5 feet tall! You would never know because of the 4" heels I always rock. I was always told that big things come in small packages and decided to shape my desserts around that motto. Big taste, tiny bite.
4.What is your favorite thing to bake?
Well that's not a hard one, white almond cupcakes with lots of frosting for my son, because he always eats that first.
5. Is baking your full time job if not what is your day job?
I am in the process of transitioning from my passion for baking into a career, so I do keep a full-time job. Most days you can find me behind the desk of a small financial company, day-dreaming about my lonely kitchen at home.
6.Do you have any other hobbies?
I love to quilt and sew, paper crafts, cook, read, knit, and listen to music.
7. If you could have dinner with 3 people living or dead who would it be and why?
The first would be my dad, because I'd like to hear him laugh again. Second, my mom because she has been such an inspirational mother and woman. The third without a doubt would be my boyfriend Craig, who supports me in everything I do and always makes me smile.

If your in the Wichita Kansas are you can also pick them up !
Here is her main website as well.
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